2024 All-Access Pass
2024 All-Access Pass
Each All-Access Pass provides admission for 1 participant to all July 12-14, 2024 BAmF events: workshops, dances, and late nights.
Register here for a magical weekend of tiny dances!
Each All-Access Pass provides admission for 1 participant to all July 12-14, 2024 BAmF events: workshops, dances, and late nights.
All-Access passes grant admission to all of the dances (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), and all of the workshops (Saturday and Sunday). There are live performances on Friday and Saturday nights. Price is $200.
Dance Only passes grant admission to all of the dances (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). Prices are $120 for the whole weekend, $50 each for Friday and Saturday, and $40 for Sunday.
We also offer Workshop Only passes, $120 for the weekend, $70 for one day, and $20 for a single class, as well as Single-Day All Access Passes for $100.
There will be two class options to choose from at each workshop time slot and two different rooms to dance in at peak hours.
Single-Evening Dance admission will be available at the door as space allows. We’re at capacity for Friday and Saturday night dances, but have limited tickets available for Sunday night.
Pass Transfers: If you need to resell your pass, please have the original ticket holder email bayareamicrofusion@gmail.com with the contact name and email of the new buyer. Unused tickets are non-refundable. If this transfer happens after Wednesday 7/10, buyer must show proof of transfer to registration (email from original owner with ticket number).
Please don’t bring covid to the party!
🩵 We require everyone to rapid test the first day they attend the event. We’ll have free tests at the door, but we encourage you to test before you come so you don’t have to wait outside
🩵 We STRONGLY encourage testing every day of the event
🩵 Stay home if you’re feeling even a little bit sick
🩵 If you can’t come because you’re feeling sick, you can transfer your ticket or request a 70% refund
🩵 Thank you for taking care!!
Please share, invite your friends, and RSVP on our FB event page!